What is consent in email marketing?

What is consent in email marketing?

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Nevertheless, permission email marketing continues to hold its positions among the most effective methods of customer outreach, and this should always be a key point of any successful campaign. Consent describes the permission through which those individuals get to receive marketing communications. In email marketing, it helps the recipient be aware of what they are subscribing for and gives them the right to opt out any moment in time.

The Importance of Consent

Consent does not only have to do with legal jurisdiction; rather, it also helps engender trust between businesses and their respective customers. Therefore, when people give away their electronic addresses by consent, they indicate their willingness to receive information that could be about products, services, or even promotions. Breeding interest alone will therefore lead to higher results since the recipients would open and react to emails they had chosen to receive.

Legal Considerations

Countless laws govern email marketing; the major ones are the General Data Protection Regulation and the CAN-SPAM Act. These Bulk Email Data laws provide that for a company to send marketing emails, it should get explicit consent from the recipient. That is to say, no pre-checked boxes or consent by implication. The receiver affirmatively has to opt-in with the service to make sure that he truly understands what he is subscribing for.

How to Obtain Consent

Consent may be derived in a variety of ways, including:
Signup Forms: Provide a clear and straightforward form on your site in which users can include their email addresses. Clearly mention the reason for sending them emails.

Double Opt-in:

This involves providing confirmation on subscription through another follow-up email, adding an additional layer of consent.
Transparency: Explain what kind of emails a subscriber will get, how frequently, and include how data will be used. This will instill trust and get more people signing up.

Best Practices to Keep Consent

When consent is given, it has to be maintained. Clean your list from time to time by eliminating non-opening subscribers and make un-subscription not too cumbersome for the user if he/she chooses so. Remind your subscribers periodically about what they subscribed to, reaffirming their consent and re-engaging your subscribers.

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